

He is represented by:
In France:
Vincent at Colagene Paris
In North America:
Marie at Colagene Creative Clinic
And in Germany/Switzerland/Austria:
Anja at Sepia Agency

For anything related to graphic novel, writing, press etc… please contact :
PR for France: Kathy Degreeff 

More art here
Posters and artwork can be find here and here


Emmanuel Polanco is the author and illustrator of four picture books: Les Animaux dans la neige (Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées, 2009), L'enfant et la nuit, story by Olivier Balazuc and illustrated by Emmanuel Polanco (Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées, 2011,) Petite Alice aux Merveilles (The Nursery Alice) by Lewis Carroll translation by Florence Delaporte (Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées, 2013), Les Animaux dans la nuit, (Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées, 2014).
He is also the author of the graphic novel L’homme qui rêvait à l’envers published by Casterman (Spring 2024).

His father, born in Peru, moved to France in the seventies and holds a DEA in Atomic and Molecular Physics (Orsay, Paris XI). His mother is a French painter who graduated from the Beaux-Arts de Paris (Atelier Chapelain-midy). As a child, Emmanuel would hide under the living room dining table in the evenings to listen avidly to his parents' discussions with intellectuals and artists from South America. During these dinners, he heard for the first time about Borges, García Márquez, Víctor Humareda, Vargas Llosa and Martín Chambi, among others... In the early 80s, in the company of his parents, he visited Madrid museums such as the Prado. His first aesthetic shock came when he visited the Cason del Buen Retiro and discovered Picasso's Guernica. Along with his cousins he discovered comic books at an early age. As soon as he could hold a pencil in his hand, he drew and copied engravings by Gustave Doré and other illustrations he found in his maternal great-grandmother's Larousse illustrée, and it was later, in his teens and in his mother's studio, that he began to realize that a career in drawing was a possibility, including comics.

His career as an illustrator began after graduating from his studies in graphics and illustration (2001), with the practice of collage, painting and drawing. 

He is working for a wide variety of clients including The New York Times, The New Yorker and Penguin Random House publishing, among others.
In 2009, the US Postal Service commissioned illustrations for the catalog commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Edgar A. Poe.
He continued to illustrate Poe and designed the cover of “The Murders in the Rue Morgue: The Dupin Tales” for Random House Publishing Group.
In 2010 he signed fifteen cover illustrations for the fifteen volumes of Sigmund Freud for Penguin. 2012 was the 50th anniversary of the Royal Shakespeare Company and he was commissioned and signed the posters for the 2011-2012 season (Cardenio, Measure for Measure, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Marat/Sade, The Heresy of Love, Written on the Heart) of the prestigious Stratford-upon-Avon british theater. In 2018 he signed the posters for the prestigious Theater an der Wien, and in 2020 the poster for the piece Europeana (based on the book of Patrik Ouředník) for the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Born in Paris, France he is currently living and working in Sweden.


The New Yorker, Apple, The New York Times, Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History, Le 1 Hebdo, Le 1 des Libraires, Légende Magazine, Bastille Magazine, L’École des Loisirs, Penguin Random House publishing, The Royal Shakespeare Company, Gallimard éditions (NRF), 10/18 éditions, Harper Collins Editions, Trut Publishing, The Atlantic, Liberal magazin, Les Echos Week-end, ProPublica, GQ Germany, GQ France, Forbes, Newsweek, M le magazine du Monde, MIT Technology Review, Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine, The Economist, Wired, Gallmeister, L’Express, Broadview, “O” Oprah magazine, Texas Monthly, Steppenwolf Theater, Ogilvy Chicago, Oh-So magazine,, Nathan éditions, Författaren tidning, Beaux Arts magazine, Gear patrol magazine, Specialpedagogik tidning, Chef och Ledarskap tidning, BBC science focus, Outside, Le Parisien Week End, Techonomy, Theater an der Wien, D la Repubblica, Foreign Policy, Eight by Eight, L'Obs, Nautilus Magazine, Les Inrockuptibles magazine, Philosophie magazin, Reuters, Philosophie magazine, Monocle Magazine…

Graphic Novel :

L’homme qui rêvait à l’envers, Emmanuel Polanco, Éditions Casterman, 2024

Picture books:

Les Animaux dans la nuit, Emmanuel Polanco, Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées, 2014.
Petite Alice aux Merveilles (The Nursery Alice), Lewis Carroll traduction by Florence Delaporte, Illustrations by Emmanuel Polanco, Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées, 2013.
L'enfant et la nuit, Olivier Balazuc, Emmanuel Polanco, Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées, 2011.
Les Animaux dans la neige, Emmanuel Polanco, Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées, 2009.